Managing your brewery

The brewery holds all things brewing. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Recipes

  • Bricks (BierBot Brick, electric hydrometers)

  • Equipment such as Mashtuns and Fermenters, as well as their calibration information.

  • Running brewing and fermentation processes.

  • Recipes.

If you head over to "Brewery" > "Administration" in the menu on the left, you have a couple of options:

  • At the top, you can switch between breweries - if you're a member of more than one brewery.

  • You can add a brewery logo to your brewery. Currently, that's just for yourself.

  • You can give your brewery a name.

  • You can change the last brewnumber. In case your brewnumber is purely numerical (only consisting of 0-9), BierBot Bricks will automatically increment this number for your next brew by 1.

  • The members. You can add new members by typing their name in the "Search member" input. Registered users can change their name on the profile page. Attention: All members have full access.

Last updated