This page will show you how to integrate your Hydrom into Bricks!
Last updated
This page will show you how to integrate your Hydrom into Bricks!
Last updated
Head to your breweries Bricks page, hit Add Brick in the upper-right corner, select Hydrom and copy the API key into your clipboard - you'll need it later.
Start your Hydrom by moving the Switch to the middle and pressing the buttom.
Connect to the "Hydrom_[...]" WiFi.
Connect to your network by providing the credetials:
Now head to the "Services"-Page by using the menu on the left, enable the "BierBot Bricks" service and paste the API key from your clipboard that you've copied in Step 1:
Scroll to the bottom and hit "Deep Sleep". To send a message, turn your Hydrom off and on or wait for the specified sleep duration.
Your Hydrom will apear on the Bricks page of your brewery:
One last step is to activate it by hitting "Activate".
Now head over to "Equipment"-Page and create a new "Fermenter"-device. Assign the interfaces of your Hydrom temperature and specific gravity to your fermenter.
Hit the blue save button & you're ready to go!